Kanniya Hot Springs
Dating more than 5000 years ago, when the island was King Ravana’s domain, the Kanniya Hot Springs of Trincomalee is a mysterious complex in that no one really knows how the springs were made to collect warm spring water. However, the epic Ramayana tells us an intriguing story of how these springs came to be.
Mythical Origins of the Hot Springs
According to the Ramayana, the hot springs were formed when King Ravana’s mother passed away due to her son’s effort to move Koneswaram Temple. Ravana, hearing the passing away of his mother, made him perform the final rites of his mother in typical Hindu tradition. This meant the striking of his powerful sword in seven different places. These places eventually poured out fresh hot water, which we now consider to be the Kanniya Hot Springs and has not run out ever since. The epic Mahabharata also explains a story of how the hot springs were a pilgrimage site for Hindus in the days of old, as these wells are believed to possess healing waters that could cure many ailments.
Presently, the complex is protected by the archaeological department and is open for the public to utilise. Visiting the complex during the mornings is normally the best time, as the crowds are less.